SRV Story

After seven years in the restaurant industry working as a server, bartender and manager at six different restaurants across the US, I noticed common a theme everywhere I worked: high expectations for product knowledge but very little support in acquiring and maintaining this product knowledge. Some places would hand over a menu to take home and study, others had a big paper packet of information to sift through and some had online learning management systems. None of them hit the mark for me. It is often underestimated how much learning is required to be an effective team member in a restaurant. Throughout my time in the industry, I came to understand that providing the right learning tools is essential for developing strong teams. So, I got to work applying the lessons I've learned from working in the industry with my skills in cybernetic thinking and product design to develop what came to be known as SRV, or Study Restaurant Variety. SRV is a powerful tool for helping new and existing team members learn the menu, become a sales star, and increase confidence behind the line and well. We're on a mission to build custom SRV platforms for restaurants around the world to help the industry develop strong, long-lasting teams that provide amazing dining experiences.